How To Remove Pre-installed And Suggested Apps In Windows 10

How To Remove Pre-installed And Suggested Apps In Windows 10


Short Bytes: Though Windows 10 comes with free updates but along with that, comes a lot of unwanted pre-installed and suggested apps in Windows 10. Know how to remove pre-installed and suggested apps in Windows 10 which are also responsible for consuming your PC resources.

Microsoft recently killed the support for Windows 8 and their plan is to just provide the patches and newer releases roll outs for Windows 10. It has been there in the news for a long time that Microsoft is going to provide the free upgrade to Windows 10, which raised a question that how os Microsoft going to make money from Windows 10?

Well, Microsoft has surely given the free upgrade to Windows 10 but at the same time, Microsoft is planning to sell some of its important services such as One Drive, Office 365, paid store apps and much more. We have also seen that when we install Windows 10, there are many free apps which resurface from time-to-time, consuming our Windows battery life and resources. Also, most of these apps are not needed by us. So, we have come up with a useful tutorial:

How To Remove Pre-installed And Suggested Apps In Windows 10:

1. Go to Settings on your PC:

There are two ways to go to the Settings on your PC:

  • Either by clicking the Windows start button on the left-hand side bottom corner and then clicking on Settings

Settings Windows 10

  • or just by pressing Windows + I command

2. Go to ‘System’ under settings (The first option) and click on it.

Settings options in WIndows 10

3. Click on ‘Apps & features’ under system

Apps & features under System settings

4. From the list of Apps, click on the App you want to remove and click ‘Uninstall’

Apps & features uninstall option under system settings

And, now you are good to go. You can repeat the same steps for uninstalling other promotional apps from your PC.

Also read: How To Maximize Battery Life On Windows 10

There is also another way to uninstall the pre-installed and suggested apps in Windows 10:

Step 1: Click on the Windows Start Button at the left bottom corner and Windows 10 will populate a list of pre-installed and suggested apps in the pop-up Window.

Click on Windows 10 start button

Step 2: Now you can see the various Apps’ icons in the right float window. Now, right click on the suggested app you want to uinstall.

Uninstall an app by right clicking on its icon

In the above case, I wanted to uninstall Skype app. So, I right clicked on it and you can see the uninstall option right there.

Please note that the Uninstall is not available for all the apps or programs in Windows 10 because some of the apps come by default in Windows 10 and they cannot be uninstalled. Some of these apps are the Calculator, Paint, Calendar, Notepad etc. So, if you want to remove these default apps, you’ll cannot simply do that.

If you have any other way of removing or uninstalling the unwanted pre-installed apps, share your tricks with us in the comment section below.

Also Read: How To Fix High RAM and CPU Usage In Windows 10

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Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer: “Only Android Apps Can Save Windows Phone”

Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer: “Only Android Apps Can Save Windows Phone”

steve-ballmer-android-microsoftShort Bytes: Expressing dissatisfaction with the way things are going at Microsoft headquarters, Steve Ballmer has said that only Android apps can save Windows Phone. Calling the current way of reporting its cloud business “bullshit”, he stressed at the need of revenue reporting. Read more to know everything he had to say.

While Microsoft is gearing up for the final Windows 10 Mobile release, former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer isn’t happy about the things are moving ahead.

Talking to Bloomberg, Ballmer said that Satya Nadella’s new strategy for Windows 10 Mobile won’t work unless Windows Phone starts supporting Android apps. On the other hand, Windows 10 is betting on the Universal apps that are are designed to work on all Windows 10 devices, regardless their form factor.

During the annual shareholder meeting, Ballmer criticized Satya Nadella’s strategy of going ahead with Universal Apps that has resulted in the lack of key apps like Starbucks. “That won’t work,” Ballmer said as Nadella spoke. About the need of Android apps, he said, “the company needs to enable Windows Phones to run Android apps”.

At the meeting, Steve also seemed less than happy with company’s financial reporting regarding its cloud business and called it “bullshit”. He stressed on the fact that “revenue” is a key metric and Microsoft should “report the revenue, not the run rate.”

Earlier, Microsoft announced Project Astoria that aimed to port Android apps on Windows phones. However, for the time being, Project Astoria has been put on hold.

Add your views in the comments below.

Also read: Saving Apple in 1997 Was the Craziest Thing Microsoft Ever Did, Ballmer Says

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Many Android apps talk to private servers — and it’s often not clear why

Many Android apps talk to private servers — and it’s often not clear why

android triangle
A new report finds that a significant percentage of Android applications engage in covert communication — but it’s not always clear who they are communicating with, or why.

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Falha de segurança no recém lançado iOS 9 permite acessar apps sem o PIN, através da SIRI

Falha de segurança no recém lançado iOS 9 permite acessar apps sem o PIN, através da SIRI

6965684863_779b3eb371A Siri, assistente pessoal do sistema iOS, é responsável pela mais nova falha de segurança no iPhone. Usuários que atualizaram para o iOS 9 podem ter os aplicativos de seu smartphone acessados mesmo que o usuário não possua o código de segurança PIN do aparelho.

O truque consiste em quase bloquear o smartphone. Se alguém inserir o PIN errado 5 vezes seguidas, o sistema vai travar o aparelho por algum tempo, não permitindo novas tentativas. O invasor deve então errar o código de propósito quatro vezes e, na quinta, conforme é inserido o quarto dígito, deve-se segurar o botão home do aparelho. Assim, a tela de travamento do iPhone é interrompida pela Siri, que aparece pronta para oferecer ajuda. Basta pedir alguma informação que leve a algum aplicativo, como perguntar as horas, por exemplo, e seguir dali para navegar pelo smartphone.

A falha é grande, mas simples de ser contornada. Enquanto a Apple não cria um patch oficial para corrigir o problema, usuários do iOS 9 devem acessar as configurações de “TouchID e Código” e desabilitar a Siri na tela bloqueada.

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Apple remove apps de loja online por segurança

Apple remove apps de loja online por segurança

A Apple informou na quinta-feira que removeu “alguns” aplicativos de sua App Store, expressando preocupação de que a segurança dos dados pessoais de alguns usuários possa ser comprometida sob certas circunstâncias.

A companhia disse que os aplicativos ameaçam a segurança dos usuários ao instalar certificados que podem expor dados à monitoramento de terceiros. A empresa não especificou o número preciso de aplicativos em questão.

“A Apple está profundamente comprometida em proteger a privacidade e segurança de consumidores”, disse uma porta-voz da Apple em comunicado.

“Estamos trabalhando proximamente com esses desenvolvedores para rapidamente trazer seus aplicativos de volta à Apple Store, enquanto garantimos que a privacidade e segurança de clientes não estão em risco.”

Aplicativos com os chamados certificados raiz direcionam dados de usuários para servidores onde possam ser analisados. Isso abre as portas para que provedores de dados vejam tráfego encriptado, deixando usuários vulneráveis a brechas.

Entre os aplicativos removidos está o Been Choice, que atraiu atenção por sua capacidade de bloquear publicidade em aplicativos.

Plantão – Segurança – INFO

Falha de segurança no recém lançado iOS 9 permite acessar apps sem o PIN, através da SIRI

Falha de segurança no recém lançado iOS 9 permite acessar apps sem o PIN, através da SIRI

6965684863_779b3eb371A Siri, assistente pessoal do sistema iOS, é responsável pela mais nova falha de segurança no iPhone. Usuários que atualizaram para o iOS 9 podem ter os aplicativos de seu smartphone acessados mesmo que o usuário não possua o código de segurança PIN do aparelho.

O truque consiste em quase bloquear o smartphone. Se alguém inserir o PIN errado 5 vezes seguidas, o sistema vai travar o aparelho por algum tempo, não permitindo novas tentativas. O invasor deve então errar o código de propósito quatro vezes e, na quinta, conforme é inserido o quarto dígito, deve-se segurar o botão home do aparelho. Assim, a tela de travamento do iPhone é interrompida pela Siri, que aparece pronta para oferecer ajuda. Basta pedir alguma informação que leve a algum aplicativo, como perguntar as horas, por exemplo, e seguir dali para navegar pelo smartphone.

A falha é grande, mas simples de ser contornada. Enquanto a Apple não cria um patch oficial para corrigir o problema, usuários do iOS 9 devem acessar as configurações de “TouchID e Código” e desabilitar a Siri na tela bloqueada.

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Blog SegInfo – Segurança da Informação – Tecnologia – Notícias, Artigos e Novidades

Número de apps infectados na loja da Apple passa dos 4 mil

Número de apps infectados na loja da Apple passa dos 4 mil

Um aviso publicado ontem (22) pela empresa de segurança FireEye mostra que existem mais de 4 mil aplicativos infectados pelo malware XcodeGhost na App Store, loja de aplicativos da Apple. O número é significativamente superior aos 350 que haviam sido reportados por meios de comunicação chineses.

Aplicativos com o malware existem na loja da Apple desde abril, mas seu número aumentou desde agosto. De acordo com outra empresa de segurança, a Appthority, o XcodeGhost funciona como um addware, permitindo que anúncios apareçam na tela de iPhones e iPads infectados ou que a App Store se abra aleatoriamente em outro App, além de coletar dados de uso, o que não inclui senhas ou arquivos.

Um ponto importante, segundo o FireEye é que os apps podem utilizar essa funcionalidade de abrir páginas web para esquemas de phishing, enganando alguns usuários e fazendo com que coloquem dados ou senhas em campos que enviem estes resultados para criminosos.

Não existe uma lista de Apps infectados, mas há a certeza de que o WeChat, assim como outros apps dedicados ao público chinês estão entre os milhares de aplicativos com o malware.

Plantão – Segurança – INFO

Apple Tells the 25 Most Popular XcodeGhost Infected iOS Apps

Apple Tells the 25 Most Popular XcodeGhost Infected iOS Apps

xcodeghost-apple-ios-malwareShort Bytes: Today, Apple has released a list of the 25 most popular XcodeGhost infected iOS apps. The tech company tells the users to update these apps right now.

Just a couple of days ago, Apple released a statement in the wake of the new XcodeGhost episode and told how this malware infects the applications. The statement also listed the steps they are taking to prevent it from spreading further.

Apple said that they’ll be posting a list of some of the most popular XcodeGhost infected iOS apps in upcoming days. Apple also said that the iOS users who downloaded the infected apps, they would be notified.

The company has released the list of 25 most popular XcodeGhost infected iOS apps. Take a look:

  • WeChat
  • DiDi Taxi
  • 58 Classified – Job, Used Cars, Rent
  • Gaode Map – Driving and Public Transportation
  • Railroad 12306
  • Flush
  • China Unicom Customer Service (Official Version)*
  • CarrotFantasy 2: Daily Battle*
  • Miraculous Warmth
  • Call Me MT 2 – Multi-server version
  • Angry Birds 2 – Yifeng Li’s Favorite*
  • Baidu Music – Music Player with Downloads, Ringtones, Music Videos, Radio & Karaoke
  • DuoDuo Ringtone
  • NetEase Music – An Essential for Radio and Song Download
  • Foreign Harbor – The Hottest Platform for Oversea Shopping*
  • Battle of Freedom (The MOBA mobile game)
  • One Piece – Embark (Officially Authorized)*
  • Let’s Cook – Receipes
  • Heroes of Order & Chaos – Multiplayer Online Game*
  • Dark Dawn – Under the Icing City (the first mobile game sponsored by Fan BingBing)*
  • I Like Being With You*
  • Himalaya FM (Audio Book Community)
  • CarrotFantasy*
  • Flush HD
  • Encounter – Local Chatting Tool

Apple writes: “If users have one of these apps, they should update the affected app which will fix the issue on the user’s device. If the app is available on App Store, it has been updated, if it isn’t available it should be updated very soon.”

Are you using one of these apps? Update it right now and tell us in the comments below.

Also read: World’s Biggest iOS Malware Hack, 225k Apple Account Passwords Stolen

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