DOD says North Korea’s new satellite is tumbling out of control

DOD says North Korea’s new satellite is tumbling out of control

north korea
North Korea’s latest satellite has reached orbit, but it may not be of any use beyond propaganda.

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Zuckerberg Says Banning Free Basics Won’t Keep Away From India

Zuckerberg Says Banning Free Basics Won’t Keep Away From India

Short Bytes: In response to the recently imposed ban on Free Basics by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reiterated his commitment towards his initiative....

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It’s Official: Julian Assange Should Be Set Free And Compensated, Says UN Panel

It’s Official: Julian Assange Should Be Set Free And Compensated, Says UN Panel

Short Bytes: The United Nations has ruled that the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is held arbitrarily in the embassy of Equador in London. A UN panel said that during this period, Mr....

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‘Bitcoin Has Failed’, Says Lead Developer Who Just Quit

‘Bitcoin Has Failed’, Says Lead Developer Who Just Quit

bitcoinisdead_mike hearnShort Bytes: Once again Bitcoin has been declared dead. This time, the announcement has come from a prominent developer Mike Hearn who just quit the project. In a long blog post on Medium, he called Bitcoin an ‘experiment’ that has now failed.

Mike Hearn, a prominent Bitcoin developer, has decided to abandon the project by calling it a failure. He worked on the project for five years and was one of the five senior-most developers.

The Bitcoin community was taken by this announcement and Bitcoin slid by 10 percent. “Despite knowing that bitcoin could fail all along, the now inescapable conclusion that it has failed still saddens me greatly,” Hearn said in his a long post on Medium.

In his blog post, Hearn detailed many reasons that compelled him to take this step — a dying community, lack of improvements in the system, lack of communication, and domination of a minority. Calling Bitcoin an ‘experiment’, he said that like all experiments it was vulnerable to failure.

Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto chose Hearn and Gavin Andresen as his successor when he stepped aside in 2011. However, from the past few months, Hearn was having a hard time adjusting with other developers over the size of ‘blocks’ in which Bitcoin transactions are processed.

Hearn says that current Bitcoin network will soon run out of capacity as the number of transactions increase.

“The block chain is full. You may wonder how it is possible for what is essentially a series of files to be “full”. The answer is that an entirely artificial capacity cap of one megabyte per block, put in place as a temporary kludge a long time ago, has not been removed and as a result the network’s capacity is now almost completely exhausted,” he writes.

Back in August, Hearn and Andresen released Bitcoin XT — their own version of the current software — that would increase the block size to 8 megabytes, allowing 24 transactions per second. Despite the attacks that stopped this alternative completely, Hearn writes that people are still trying to develop alternatives.

Read his complete post on Medium.

Also Read: Now You Can Use Bitcoin Anywhere VISA Is Accepted With Bitcoin Debit Card

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‘Bitcoin Has Failed’, Says Lead Developer Who Just Quit

PornHub Says Its Traffic Dropped By 10% Due To The “Fallout 4” Release

PornHub Says Its Traffic Dropped By 10% Due To The “Fallout 4” Release

pornhub-falloutShort Bytes: Fallout 4 could be easily called one of the biggest gaming releases of the year. This fact is backed by the fact that on its release day, world’s biggest porn site, PornHub, witnessed about 10% of decrease in its gaming audience traffic.

The internet traffic trends are a mirror image of what’s going on around us as it drives and inspires people’s search habits. Same could be attributed to the web browsing habits of porn and gaming fans.

Fallout 4 could be easily called one of the biggest gaming releases of the year and it has already shipped 12 million copies. The popularity of the game is once again reflected in the 10 percent drop in the gaming audience traffic at the world’s most popular porn site PornHub on the game’s release day.

According to a comment made by PornHub Vice President Corey Price, the website witnessed about 10 percent traffic drop after 5am that continued until 3pm.


Using the anonymous user profiles collected by Google analytics, the website saw the biggest traffic drop between 6AM and Noon, and then again from 6PM to 10PM. It’s assumed that these are the times when gamers are busy exploring the Fallout world.

In the recent times, the association between the games and erotica is becoming more prominent. Along the similar lines, years ago, Kotaku’s Stephen Totilo predicted a future where games would eventually drop their shameful cultural garments, thanks to games like GTA.

Other data to support the popularity of porn tells us the about 30% of the data transferred over the Internet in any day is porn.

With inputs from Forbes and VB.

Have something to add? Tell us in the comments below.

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Steve Jobs Was a Negative Person, Says Steve Wozniak

Steve Jobs Was a Negative Person, Says Steve Wozniak

steve wozniakShort Bytes: “He might also be remembered for his negative personality”, says Steve Wozniak in the video “Woz On Jobs”. The clip includes snippets from the movie and featuring Steve Wozniak.

Steve Jobs, a man who was always praised for what he made out of a company which rules on the list of world’s most valuable companies. People stand for days outside the apple stores just to be the first buyers of the magnificent iPhone. They don’t know why they like it, but they just do, and it is the “One last thing” Steve wanted from his customers.

Apart from Jobs, there is another unsung hero who has contributed to the success of Apple. Steve Wozniak, always been away from the limelight, although Apple wasn’t possible without his engineering skills.

Woz still remembers those before Apple days with Jobs, calls him “Steve Jobs Zero”, for what he was a completely different person. He recollects memories of all those pranks, their initial efforts for making Apple into existence and much more.

He might also be remembered for his negative personality. I think that’s going to go with his legacy forever. But he led the world in the future and everybody else then would follow once they saw it.

Woz said in the video, and he has been quite busy regarding the promotion of the new flick on Jobs. The movie focuses on what most of us don’t know or I must say don’t want to know, the dark side of Steve Jobs, what was he as a person.

Jobs wasn’t well-versed with engineering skills but he had the audacity to do things without a second thought. What we call, he had the ability to package his product in such a way that it looked so compelling, people couldn’t wait to get their hands-on.

Although, numerous movies have been done on Jobs, but this one change the way we admire him as a person. Steve Jobs, the movie is all set for a worldwide release on October 23, 2015, with Michael Fassbender as Jobs and Seth Rogen as Woz.

Watch the movie featurette “Woz On Jobs”:

Also Read: Apple Pencil is the New Apple Device Steve Jobs Would Have Hated

Do you think Woz is right? Write in the comments section below.

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Cabin air filters? Tesla Model X has biohazard air filters, says Elon Musk

Cabin air filters? Tesla Model X has biohazard air filters, says Elon Musk

Tesla audio goes to 11 not 10. The Tesla Model X has air filtration settings for fresh air, recirculated air, and now biohazard air. In plain English, more air filtration than a hospital, Tesla says.

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EPA says it will enact more rigorous testing in wake of VW’s cheating diesel standards

EPA says it will enact more rigorous testing in wake of VW’s cheating diesel standards

In the wake of the VW scandal, the EPA is going on the warpath.

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