DOD says North Korea’s new satellite is tumbling out of control

DOD says North Korea’s new satellite is tumbling out of control

north korea
North Korea’s latest satellite has reached orbit, but it may not be of any use beyond propaganda.

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SAINTCon 2015 – Beyond PCI : Why (and how) you should take control of your payments security

SAINTCon 2015 – Beyond PCI : Why (and how) you should take control of your payments security

PCI is one of the most common, yet most improperly handed parts of a systems security, yet it has some of the largest possible breach implications. This talk will cover several of the largest misconceptions about what PCI really is, and requires. Then it will cover how to learn more, and use the PCI to cause *good* change to happen at your company. Use your knowledge of real security to bring developers, operations, systems, and even HR onto the same table. For More Information Please Visit:-



32c3 – Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives.

32c3 – Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives.

Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives. Discrimination and ethics in the data-driven society Algorithms and „big data“ penetrate many aspects of our lives today. In the future, data collection and analysis will be even more ubiquitous and permeate our lives from morning to night. Many people (well, mostly business people) welcome this new era of data analysis and the associated vision of an „intelligent planet“. Not so many people seem to be concerned about the other side of the coin though, which is an ever-growing influence of algorithms on our personal life and the accompanying shift of decision power from humans to machines. In as little as 10 years, algorithms might decide if you get a new job – or if you get fired from your current one –, how much you will pay for your health insurance, whether you will be allowed to travel to a given country and who you will marry. So it’s time to say hi to your new boss: the algorithm. Often people talk either about the consequences of a data-driven society, or about the technological aspects of it, but rarely about the two together. With my talk I want to change that by discussing concrete technologies and algorithms that are used in data analysis today, together with their societal and political implications. I will show how algorithms can be trained to be racist, misogynic and plenty of other things, and that this actually happens in practice if no care is taken to avoid it. Finally, I will discuss various approaches to solve this dilemma, both technological and political. Outline: * Introduction to „big data“ and data analysis, * Parts of our lives that are already under algorithmic control, * Parts of our lives that soon will be under algorithmic control, * Example use case of algorithms in data science, * How machine learning can discriminate against certain groups of people, * Example algorithm: Classifying people in good and bad customers, * How the bias comes about: Algorithm-based discrimination, * How we can fix these problems. * Outlook. For More Information Please Visit:-



32c3 – Prediction and Control – Watching Algorithms

32c3 – Prediction and Control – Watching Algorithms

Prediction and Control Watching Algorithms Mass quantities of data are being incorporated into predictive systems in an ever-broadening set of fields. In many cases, these algorithms operate in the dark and their use has implications both intentional and unintentional. This talk will cover some of the fairness and accountability issues involved in controlling algorithms for media, policy, and policing. Decision making is increasingly being performed by intelligent algorithms in areas from search engine rankings to public policy. Algorithmic decision making includes applications as important as who is flagged as a potential terrorist as in the United States’ no-fly list to deciding how police officers will be allocated as in predictive policing. These systems are getting smarter as we develop better algorithms, as well as more expansive as they integrate more data. Government agencies and corporations are determining how to best convert the mass quantities of data that have been collected on their citizens and customers into meaningful inferences and decisions through data mining and predictive systems. However, many of these systems consist of algorithms whose operation is closed to the public – constituting a new form of secrecy maintained by powerful entities. The intentional or unintentional impact of some of these systems can have profound consequences. This talk will cover some of the emerging issues with the widespread use of these systems in terms of transparency and fairness. We need to have some mechanism for verifying how these systems operate. Are these algorithms discriminatory? Are they fair with respect to protected groups? What role can auditing and reverse engineering play? I’ll discuss these questions, the current status of this field, and some paths forward. For More Information Please Visit:-



DEF CON 23 – BioHacking Village – Whitlock and Aganovic – Physiology from the Perspective of Control

DEF CON 23 – BioHacking Village – Whitlock and Aganovic – Physiology from the Perspective of Control

Physiology from the Perspective of Control: A Bio-hacker’s Guide David Whitlock &Jasmina Aganovic (@JasminaAganovic) A Hacker needs intimate and thorough understanding of the internal workings of a system to successfully and elegantly manipulate that system; along with the chutzpah to do so. ;) Living tissue is active matter; it dissipates free energy while maintaining itself in a viable state. This requires a Control system that reduces the degrees of freedom of the system to only those desired. All disorders are disorders of control. Either Control allowed physiology to get into a bad state, or Control did not get physiology out of a bad state. Bio-hacking requires understanding physiology from the perspective of Control. Good design heuristics make modular systems with designed interfaces. Evolution didn’t do that. Modern living environments are very different than environments our ancestors evolved in. Not surprising a number of disorders that are common in the urban developed world are rare to unknown in the rural undeveloped world; things like diabetes, obesity, allergies, inflammatory disorders. This observation has lead to the “hygiene hypothesis”; the idea that there is a “factor” associated with “dirt” or lack of “hygiene” that is protective. This presents the hypothesis that the loss of ammonia oxidizing bacteria through modern bathing practices adversely affects the background nitric oxide level and so perturbs all NO-mediated control pathways, with no threshold. The importance of the background level of nitric oxide will be discussed in the context of a component of the human microbiome; ammonia oxidizing bacteria living on the skin and converting ammonia in sweat into nitrite and nitric oxide so as to set the background NO/NOx level to avoid nitropenia. BIO: David Whitlock is Chief Scientist/co-founder of AOBiome and discovered that AOB are commensal organisms for many eukaryotes. He received his MS and BS in Chemical Engineering from MIT. Jasmina is a consumer goods entrepreneur who received her degree in chemical and biological engineering from MIT. Her unconventional path combined her technical background with roles at personal care brands. For More Information Please Visit: –



How Roboroach Allows You To Control Living Cockroaches With Your Smartphone

How Roboroach Allows You To Control Living Cockroaches With Your Smartphone

roboroach-boihack-Short Bytes: Enough about hacking phones and computers – let’s tell you something about the basics of biohacking. A latest Kickstarter project Roboroach allows you to “hack” a roach and control it with your smartphones. Read more to know everything and how it works.

To teach you the basics of biohacking, a Kickstarter-funded biohacking experiment, known as Roboroach, has introduced a learner kit. This kit allows anyone to perform a surgery on a live insect like a cockroach to turn it into a cyborg pet.

While biohacking is still a very new field of science, Roboroach wants to provide some hands-on experience. This $ 99-kit comes with a Bluetooth-powered chip, along with a kit to perform surgery on a living roach.

As its Kickstarter page describes, the Roboroach is world’s first commercially available cyborg. This experiment involves an amalgamation of behavioral neuroscience and neural engineering.

To make contact with the roaches, via a surgical procedure, a Bluetooth-powered three-lead system is mounted on its back.roboroach-boihack-As expected, Roboroach has attracted some controversies and raised ethical concerns. Addressing them, Roboroach manufacturer Backyard Brains says:

We make sure to anesthetize all our animals when we do experiments, and we explain this to students. We actually don’t know if insects feel pain, but we do make the assumption that they do, which is why we anesthetize them in the first place.

After performing the surgery, you can control the movement of the roach using your smartphone. The chip helps you to create a pseudo-stimuli that decides the direction of your cyborg bug.

Brain Hack : How Scientists Connected One Brain To The Other Over Internet

This effect works only for a small period of time before the neuroplasticity of roach’s brain starts showing its effect. After the experiment is over, you can remove the Bluetooth chip and leave the roach in the wild without any harm.

Watch the video below to see how Roboroach works:

Add your views in the comments below.

Also read: Researchers Hack Into Rats’ Brains, Dream of Better Future Just Like Us

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How Roboroach Allows You To Control Living Cockroaches With Your Smartphone

SAINTCON 2015 – Rancid Pi: Version control your device configurations using a raspberry pi.

SAINTCON 2015 – Rancid Pi: Version control your device configurations using a raspberry pi.

Scott Harpster & Josh Kleinke Get notified upon config changes and view the configs from your web browser Become a Rancid pro, see how to put it on a Raspberry Pi to version control your switches, routers, and firewalls! Bring your own Pi or VM software and follow along! For More Information Please Visit:-



This Flaw Lets Hackers Completely Control Any Android Phone With Single Click

This Flaw Lets Hackers Completely Control Any Android Phone With Single Click

android-malware-RCSAndroidShort Bytes: A new discovery at the PacSec Conference at Tokyo unveiled a great threat prevailing in the Android OS that hands over all your valuable data and full control of your device to the hackers with just a click. Read more to know about this vulnerability in detail.

Security researchers have discovered a flaw that affects all version of Android OS. This weakness allows an attacker to take the complete control of your phone as soon as you click on a malicious link leading to the attacker’s website.

The flaw came into light at the PacSec Conference at Tokyo, kudos to Guang Gong who discovered it, from security software vendor Quihoo 360 at the MobilePwn2Own. Furthermore, this flaw becomes more critical as it also involves manipulation of the V8 JavaScript engine. Although the details were not exposed, but, it took Gong three months of hard work ahead of the competition and eventually, won him a trip to the ConSecWest security conference to be held next year.

This sort of flaw in an OS is not a new thing, however, in this case, just a single malicious link can hand over the full control of your device to a hacker, which is the dreadful part.

Also read:  Tips To Keep Your Android Device Safe and Sound

According to The Register, the conference was also attended by one of the members of the Google’s security team and hence, Gong is likely to receive a large sum after his discovery exposing one of the greatest threats in the Android OS till date and that too demonstrated in the latest release Nexus 6.

Dragos Ruiu, PacSec organizer said, “The impressive thing about Guang’s exploit is that it was one shot; most people these days have to exploit several vulnerabilities to get privileged access and load software without interaction.”

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With inputs from The Register

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The post This Flaw Lets Hackers Completely Control Any Android Phone With Single Click appeared first on fossBytes.


This Flaw Lets Hackers Completely Control Any Android Phone With Single Click