This Self-made And Real Fallout 4 Pulse Laser Rifle Is Super Awesome

This Self-made And Real Fallout 4 Pulse Laser Rifle Is Super Awesome

fallout-4-pulse-laser-rifle-3Short Bytes: Fallout 4, an open world action role-playing video game, is this year’s one of the biggest game releases. Patrick Priebe, a German cyber-weapons builder, has created his own Fallout 4 AER 9 pulse laser rifle and shared an impressive video on YouTube.

This year’s one of the biggest gaming releases, Fallout 4, was released earlier this week. This much-anticipated game has sold millions of copies and even affected the porn business.

Taking an inspiration from the game, Patrick Priebe, a German cyber-weapons builder, has created his own Fallout 4 AER 9 pulse laser rifle.

This weapon produces a 4-nanosecond pulse of 100,000-watt IR laser light, which is enough to “blast the paint off your car, and tiny holes into metal.” Priebe claims that it’s “not enough to kill a man.”

This aluminum-made gun weighs 8-kg (17.6-lb) and uses a voltage booster to convert a 3-cell Li-Poly 12.6V battery up to 400V.


Take a look at this self-made and real Fallout 4 AER 9 pulse laser rifle in the video below:

Share your views about this self-made and real Fallout 4 rifle in the comments below.

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5 Most Useless Yet Awesome Inventions Ever

5 Most Useless Yet Awesome Inventions Ever

world-most-useless-invention-box-machineShort Bytes: Ever came across a creative invention and questioned its use? Well, you are at the right place as we have brought to you the 5 most useless yet awesome inventions ever.

There is a great story behind every useful invention and every time it’s somehow related to a human need that inspired that invention. But, what if you come across some invention and you begin to scratch your brains looking for its use?

Yes, here you are going to witness five most useless inventions ever made and each of them surpasses the previous one with the level of creativity involved.

Let’s take a look at these most useless yet awesome inventions one by one:

1. World’s most useless machine with a twist!


2. Useless yet awesome machines


3. An advanced version of the world’s most useless machine


4. The perpetual useless machine


5. World’s smallest computer


Also See: 10 Useful and Awesome Inventions

Which of these most useless yet awesome inventions did you like the most? Let us know about your favorite in the comments.

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5 Most Useless Yet Awesome Inventions Ever

This Rock Band Just Made An Awesome Music Video Dedicated To The Pirate Bay

This Rock Band Just Made An Awesome Music Video Dedicated To The Pirate Bay

free-mp3-the-pirate-bay-songShort Bytes: A Bosnian rock band has debuted a hilarious music video for its song named FREE.MP3. The band has dedicated the song to The Pirate Bay website and questioned the copyrights in digital age and freedom of information on the internet.

If you are a supporter of The Pirate Bay and fond of some catchy tunes, you are at the right place on the internet. A little-known band called Dubioza Kolektiv from Bosnia has released a hilarious music video dedicated to The Pirate Bay.

This song FREE.MP3 is being referred to as Pirate Bay Song by the band. The band said that this track is dedicated to the co-founder of Per Gottfrid Svartholm Warg a.k.a. anakata.

This song celebrates the popularity of The Pirate Bay and how it has managed to stand tall after multiple lawsuits. It should be noted that on the piracy grounds, services like Popcorn Time, isoHunt, Megaupload, YIFY etc. have been shut down by MPAA in recent times.

Also read: Top 10 Most Popular Torrent Websites of 2015

About the song FREE.MP3, band says, “[The] Song is questioning copyrights in digital age, privacy on internet and freedom of information.”

Watch this music video full of internet memes and good humor. Do tell us your opinions in the comments below:

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This Rock Band Just Made An Awesome Music Video Dedicated To The Pirate Bay

Awesome Japanese Techniques That Conserve Water And Save Time

Awesome Japanese Techniques That Conserve Water And Save Time

When it comes to countries with the latest technology and brilliant innovations, Japan is one of the names that immediately strikes in the mind. Japan is one of the few countries that has risen like a phoenix a number of times. Be it the regular earthquakes that cause mass destruction, or the volcanic eruptions, all such disasters have only made the Japanese more strong and thoughtful of life. They focus on the future and conservation of natural resources is one of them.

Japanese in their homes have built an efficient system for bathrooms that has multipurpose gadgets and innovations that help conserving water and their time.

1. A Smart way to reuse the bathtub water

Bathtubs require a lot of water and water is one thing that shouldn’t be wasted. Now, you would not want to bathe in the warm bubble water that also includes your own filth and dirt. So just clean yourself up with a water spray before taking a long comfortable bath. You can also put a water disinfectant in the tub. This way the water in the tub will stay clean and it could be used by another person.

2. Re-use the Bathtub water for laundry

As the water in the bathtub is still clean, it can be re-used to do laundry. In the homes, people attach a tube that sucks the water from the bathtub into the washing machine. Brilliant isn’t it??

3. Save your time, the Japanese style

The bathrooms in Japan are built in such a manner that it can be used by three people for different purposes simultaneously. There are separate spaces in the bathroom to take bath, a sink and mirror for general purposes, and a separate toilet with its own sink. The people have amazing architectural sense that allowed them a maximum utilization of their space and save time.

4.  Control Panel and security system

A control panel to set the right temperature is fixed both in the bathroom and the kitchen, just in case you wish to take a quick shower. Also, it comes with an emergency call button and a regular call button to contact security, in case you live in an apartment buildings.

Here is a video from “Life Where I’m From”

Do you have any idea that could amaze others and be for environment’s cause?? Tell us in comments below.

Also Read: 10 Useful and Awesome Inventions

The post Awesome Japanese Techniques That Conserve Water And Save Time appeared first on fossBytes.
