HES2015 “Applying machine learning methods network mapping” by Camille Mougey and Xavier Martin

HES2015 “Applying machine learning methods network mapping” by Camille Mougey and Xavier Martin

TALK : APPLYING MACHINE LEARNING METHODS TO NETWORK MAPPING HUNTING In recent years, network scanning has received an increasing focus from states, companies and individuals. As the network capabilities grow, tools evolve to be able to scan much wider ranges (Zmap, MassScan) and they retrieve more and more information. Indeed, nowadays it is achievable to scan a whole country or even /0. Thus the analysis of scanned networks is becoming substantially harder. Manually digging into results is even more repetitive, time consuming and analyst-biased. But today there are methods and algorithms to let computers work for us. Rather than “Big Data”, we prefer to speak of machine learning (ML) regarding the analysis of large quantities of data. To the best of our knowledge, at the time of writing, there is no related works on the particular subject of applying ML to network scans. However, these algorithms already provide interesting results in IP stack recognition, which is a close field. Indeed in Nmap, the IPv6 stack identification is done with ML, and gives satisfying results despite a pool of samples way smaller than for IPv4. During our talk, we will start with what information can quickly be retrieved from a scan, and how digging deeper into it can become biased and limited. Then, we will introduce machine learning specifics without requiring a deep mathematics background. Actually, we will present a computer scientist/infosec researcher oriented explanation, the one we would have liked to get when we started. At this stage, the talk will focus on results we obtained on a real world example, and on dead ends we encountered. These results include, but are not limited to, obtaining more discriminating information regarding our hosts, classifying them by similarities and highlighting anomalies. In other words, automatically grouping web servers, printers… and finding isolated hosts, “goats” as we call them (think the one from Jurassic Park), which may turn out to be low hanging fruits during a pentest. All of this work, including codes and samples, will be available publicly, included in the scan digger framework IVRE, so everyone will be able to reproduce the results for fun and profit. Bio: Camille MOUGEY Mougey Camille is an infosec engineer at CEA/DAM, mainly working on reverse engineering and network mapping topics. His previous talks include a presentation on execution trace for disobfuscation at SSTIC 2014 and another one on DRM analysis at ReCON 2014. Xavier MARTIN Martin Xavier is a MSc student at Ensimag, France and a security enthusiast. He also has a degree in mathematics, giving him a strong background in such topics. The work presented here is a result of its second year internship at the CEA on network mapping issues. For More Information Please Visit:- http://2015.hackitoergosum.org



Larry Page’s Reply To a Guy Who Would Bring Time Machine into His Office

Larry Page’s Reply To a Guy Who Would Bring Time Machine into His Office

Short Bytes
: Larry Page’s relentlessness and fiercely ambitious nature are widely known. Inside Google, there is running joke that Larry is so pushy that he would even dismiss the inventor of the 
time machine itself. What Larry has to say though?

Fans of ‘tough love’ are difficult to find and more difficult is the prospect of working with those guys. So what if the boss is being relentless and ambitious, after all he is running a multi-billion dollar company and striving to stay at the top for last 10 years.

The guy in this reference is Google’s co-founder Larry Page. The talk in the Silicon Valley is that he is so pushy as a leader that he could even dampen the guy who would bring a time machine to his office.

The joke goes like this: A brainiac who works in the lab walks into Page’s office one day wielding his latest world-changing invention- a time machine. As the scientist reaches for the power cord to begin a demo, Page fires off a dismissive question: ‘Why do you need to plug it in?

It symbolises Larry Page’s pitch for perfection, efficiency and his ambitious nature.

However, when asked directly, Page had an altogether different answer prepared for this. While addressing a crowd at the Fortune Global Forum on Monday, Page said, “I guarantee you if you invented that, that’s not what I would ask.”

While Page knows his attitude of understanding of the concepts deep and better might seem a bit pushy at times, but he says doesn’t push for the sake of pushing. He further said, “I do try to understand enough with what’s really going on with the physics, the technology and the software to really understand why maybe we could push harder or maybe we couldn’t push harder.”

Finally, he gave an answer to the awaiting crowd of what he would say to the man who would bring a time machine into his office. His reply: “Let’s turn it on”

Phew, and we thought that time machine will lose its purpose with Larry!

Via: Business Insider

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Larry Page’s Reply To a Guy Who Would Bring Time Machine into His Office

The Man in the Machine is the Dark, Brutal, and Flawed Side of Demigod Steve Jobs

The Man in the Machine is the Dark, Brutal, and Flawed Side of Demigod Steve Jobs

man-in-machine-steve-jobs-appleShort Bytes: Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine is the new documentary by Academy Award-winning director Alex Gibney. This is a portrayal of a flawed Steve Jobs who was a genius businessman.

Do you remember when Steve Jobs died and people mourned with tearful eyes in the tradition of people like John Lennon and Kurt Kobain? Or the time when Jobs abandoned his newly-born daughter and refused to pay her life support? Which image of demigod Steve Jobs do you prefer?

The new documentary from Alex Gibney Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine tries to bring the darker side of Steve Jobs into the limelight. Released earlier this Friday, this is a tale of the genius mind of Jobs who played a key role in the creation of the personal computers. The movie focuses on his creative ways to sell his name and his shady practices to run his business.

The documentary is directed by Alex Gibney, who is an Oscar winner and is one of the most iconic documentary makers of the current times. I watched the documentary yesterday, but I’ll skip writing its review and leave the ball in your court.

Watch the trailer below:


Did you like the trailer? Planning to watch Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine?

Also read: 15 Best iOS 9 Features That Will Change Your iPhone and iPad

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Bsides Las Vegas 2015 – Making & Breaking Machine Learning Anomaly Detectors in Real Life

Bsides Las Vegas 2015 – Making & Breaking Machine Learning Anomaly Detectors in Real Life

Clarence Chio Machine learning techniques used in network intrusion detection are susceptible to ‘model poisoning’ by attackers. We dissect this attack and analyze some proposals for how to circumvent these attacks, then consider specific use cases of how machine learning and anomaly detection can be used in the web security context. For More Information Please Visit: – http://bsideslv.com/ http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/bsideslasvegas2015/mainlist

